Saturday, August 23, 2008

Good Ol' Summertime

Just before summer started, Jim and I went to the end-of-school dance at school. I wore dress clothes for the first time, which was odd. Unfortunately, dress clothes were considered overkill at this dance, as everyone else, including Jim, wore regular attire, which seemed to get the ladies much better than my stylish dressing.

Oh, and whatever you do, don't wear shoes with laces!

The next day, we went to the local pool, and Jim wore an intertube! I laughed at him, but I regretted that later on. See what happened?

See, I knew Big Chug was, of course, BIG, but I didn't know he was heavy enough to cause a tidal wave! Good grief!

We did a bunch of other stuff too, such as making ice cream in a bag, competing with Tina's lemonade stand, going to the beach, getting bored, and ending up in the negative zone!

I'm totally exhausted after this summer. On top of that, it sure seems like the bad luck landed on me EVERY TIME. Eating salty ice cream in a bag, getting zero money from the lemonade stand business, almost drowning while buried in the sand, pulling weeds while Jim got ice cream...

And I finished it all off with a nice little poem reviewing some of these events:

I'm done catching up now, so we come to the present, where I'm starting school in a couple of days. Will it be better than this crazy summer? We'll see...

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