Yeah, that was my first day. Oh, and I have varying feelings about my classes as well...
My first class is something called "Digital Communication Tools". Apparently, this class requires a lot of computer use, which I'm already used to, so it should be a blast, right? RIGHT?
Well, it would be if we didn't have to learn to type! Seriously, have you ever used those learn-to-type programs they have out today? Well, if you haven't, let me elaborate: ANNOYING AS HECK!
In the program we use, we learned how to use the numeral keypad on the keyboard. We basically copied numbers for one row, pressed enter, then copied the next row of numbers. We had to do it as quick as possible, too, or we couldn't move on! We also had to do the same thing about five times in a row, too: 141, 161, 151, 717, 858, 740 (breathe) 141, 161, 151, 717...
So you can see that getting old pretty quickly. I'll get to talking about my other classes in my next post, but for now, I've got homework (yeah, on the fifth day of school, HOMEWORK) to do. See you next time on Beyond Rodney and Jim!
Hang in there Rodney... I grew to love the 10-key portion of typing class! I was the fastest and most accurate in the class!
Well... okay, Mr. Brinkerhoff, I'll try...
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