Friday, October 17, 2008

Five Facts Friday

Welcome to another "Beyond Rodney and Jim".

Okay, is it just me, or did this week seem to take FOREVER to end?! I almost can't believe Friday is here!

Of course, to celebrate the arrival of the end of this long, long week, I decided to let slip a couple of interesting behind-the-scenes stuffs (you know, my original reason for starting this blog in the first place?). So, here goes nothing...

1. I CAN'T SWIM...

Yes, it's weird that I made fun of Jim having an innertube when I couldn't swim from one side of the pool to the other, but come on! It was a DUCK innertube!

2. I am a Spongebob fan...

I hate to admit it, but that yellow maniac just seems to do it for me. Maybe it's just because it's good to know that me and Jim aren't the only popular pair of idiots out there (oops, did I say that out loud?).

3. I DO have a short attention span...

As amazing as it seems, stupid Mr. Dingle was right about one thing: I really do have a short atttention span. I will only be able to focus for about 5 minutes, then I just start thinking about something else. I almost (ten minutes pass) oh, sorry, I was checking my e-mail. I'm telling you, I have ADD!

4. I ride my scooter everywhere...

I learned to ride a scooter when I was four years old, and ever since, I've been pushing one everywhere I go. Walking? Thbbbbt! Biking? Pfffft! Nope, that scooter is the way to go!

5. The fact that Jim can only speak in grunts and yet we still understand every word he says...

THIS is one I'm sure everyone out there has wondering about since this strip started. Well, the big wait is over, everyone, because I'm going to reveal the ENORMOUS secret right no...


Oh, darn it, looks like Tina needs the computer "really badly". Sorry, I'll have to cut it off right here.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Janice Head said...

ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!! Grunt Grunt!! Must know why Jim speaks in grunts!!!