Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Schedule

Welcome to another episode. You probably remember yesterday when I told everyone about that typing I had to do. Well, today, I'll tell about the other 5 classes I have at Banama High School this year...

Period 2:

Everyone knows this one well. Protractors, the value of Pi, the Pythagoreum Theorum, and all that junk. However, we haven't actually started geometry yet, and have been reviewing Algebra 2 all week. If you didn't know, I HATE ALGEBRA 2!!! Not to say I was a big fan of Algebra 1, but part 2 was a serious pain in the rear. Everything from Polynomials to absolute value to radicals (what's so "radical" about these I may never know). Anyway, I ended up with a pretty lousy grade last year, but if you tried Algebra 2, you'd probably see why.

Period 3:

Ahhh, World Cultures. A chance to learn about all the different countries around the world and their traditions. About what rules are laid down in these far-off places. Of course, I'm not entirely sure why we'd need to learn about all these different countries anyway. I mean, are we required to live in some country for a long period of time after choosing which one from studying? Finally, why would we want to leave the great freedom of the United States anyway? I'M PERFECTLY FINE LIVING HERE!!!

Period 4:

Ironically, after filling my body with vital nutrients and all other stuff by eating lunch, I go to a class where I learn about that kind of stuff. Besides being a bit slow, this class has no real cons. Good work, Mrs. Young (my teacher).

Period 5:

It's our main language, we've been speaking it since we were 5, and it's got over 250,000 words, over half of which make no sense whatsoever. Ladies and gentlemen, it's ENGLISH!

Ironically, we don't seem to be learning the language in this class, and spend more time writing essays and reading long, boring novels. Why not call it "Reading and Writing", or something fancy, like "Creativity"? Ah, who knows.

Oh, next week, we're reading a book called "To Kill a Mockingbird". Okay, why would we want to read something about killing birds? Is that even legal? Maybe we're going on a hunting trip later this semester and they're preparing us for it...

Period 6:

What's the best way to end the school day? Science, of course, and that's just OK!


What? I couldn't think of anything else that rhymed!
Okay, so I guess this year we're doing something that gives me the creeps: examining single-celled organisms. So simple, so fragile. After that, we move into an even scarier part: playing with chemicals. Test tubes, beakers, and acid, OH MY! I hear that if any of those chemicals get all over you, you need to get under the safety shower. Wait, these chemicals aren't safe? What evil, diabolical plot is this, making kids use harmful chemicals? Well, maybe they think we need to be more careful...

That's my schedule for this semester, and here wraps up another episode of Beyond Rodney and Jim. See you next time!


Janice Head said...

Rodney, how could you hate Algebra 2??? You never quite know if you have the right domain of a polynomial, absolute values have 2 answers, and a simplified radical is often more complicated than a non-simplified one. What's not to love?!

Mike 'n' Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

All of the things JH just mentioned are just SOME of the things NOT to love about Algebra 2!