Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Veterans' Day
Now notice how I have decided to be very serious with this post and changed my font to Times.
Listen to this poem, while playing patriotic music in the background:
In war, there are lives risked and lives taken
Men and women giving their best to defend what they love
They defend their country
Their honor
Their people
Some call them soldiers
Others call them heroes
Our veterans have risked their lives for us
They have lived through heck and fought with honor
Many have killed
And regret doing so
For every life, there is a soul
For every soul, there is a life
For those who have died, we show great appreciation and remembrance
For those who live, along with them live the horrific memories of battle
Some, memories of defeat
Some, memories of victory
Our veterans were more than soldiers
They were, and still are heroes.
Thank you for your reverence, and...
Happy Veterans' Day.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
New Blog!
That's all for now...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Recap
So, how was everyone's Halloween? I hope you all had fun trick-or-treating, because ours was pretty much what you could call a bust.
See, me and Jim went over to this house a couple blocks from ours, and we set up our little show. I placed my boombox up on this branch above me, and Jim went up to the door. When the guy who was handing out candy opened it, I pressed play and Jim started dancing.
I'm thinking the guy didn't have a sense of humor, or he hated the song too. Either way, the branch I set my boombox on wasn't that sturdy, as it broke off and the boombox landed right on my head.
Now I have this massive headache, and we're probably gonna be the new laughing stock at school next week. Oh well, at least it was worth a shot. Oh, and we got some candy left too.
End transmission.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Final Countdown
How did I make Jim's banana suit? Well, I guess I forgot to mention in my Five Facts post that I can hem pieces of cloth together to create things. Yes, and I threatened Jim that if he even dares to reveal that talent, I'm taking the suit away.
As for me, I was so busy making Jim's costume I didn't have time to get serious about mine. So I'm going as a robot.
Anyway, that's the end of this post.
Next time on Beyond Rodney and Jim...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
PAINFUL... but brilliant.
Hanging with my Brothers...
I got completely destroyed by the others, but oh well. I'm not sure how I manage to play with people from other worlds, but it's cool anyways. I even played Backgammon with one of them once. Good times, good times...
That's all for this rather short episode.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Five Facts Friday
Okay, is it just me, or did this week seem to take FOREVER to end?! I almost can't believe Friday is here!
Yes, it's weird that I made fun of Jim having an innertube when I couldn't swim from one side of the pool to the other, but come on! It was a DUCK innertube!
2. I am a Spongebob fan...
I hate to admit it, but that yellow maniac just seems to do it for me. Maybe it's just because it's good to know that me and Jim aren't the only popular pair of idiots out there (oops, did I say that out loud?).
As amazing as it seems, stupid Mr. Dingle was right about one thing: I really do have a short atttention span. I will only be able to focus for about 5 minutes, then I just start thinking about something else. I almost (ten minutes pass) oh, sorry, I was checking my e-mail. I'm telling you, I have ADD!
4. I ride my scooter everywhere...
I learned to ride a scooter when I was four years old, and ever since, I've been pushing one everywhere I go. Walking? Thbbbbt! Biking? Pfffft! Nope, that scooter is the way to go!
5. The fact that Jim can only speak in grunts and yet we still understand every word he says...
THIS is one I'm sure everyone out there has wondering about since this strip started. Well, the big wait is over, everyone, because I'm going to reveal the ENORMOUS secret right no...
Oh, darn it, looks like Tina needs the computer "really badly". Sorry, I'll have to cut it off right here.
Happy Friday!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Halloween Costumes...
Trivia Show Results!
and our winner is:
Congratulations on participating, AND getting all the answers right!
We may have another TWR soon!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Trivia with Rodney!
1. Based on scientific evidence, can termites read anything?
2. What two reasons was I nervous about becoming 16?
3. A as in WHAT?
4. In percentages, how much do either Mom or Dad cook?
5. How many days a year is dinner a disaster?
6. What is one of Jim's biggest fears?
7. What did Jim do on the first day of school this year?
8. What did we name the bomb we created on the Fourth of July?
2. (answer)
3. (answer)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Candidate for Most Pointless Toy of the Year Award?
Okay, so in Fred Meyer yesterday, we were looking for a gift for my little cousin that's turning 2 in a few days, and I saw what had to be the DUMBEST looking kids toy ever...
No, I didn't do any photoshop on it, this is actually a toy I saw. See, "Frogz" is some way to get kids into the "rappa-rappa-bling-bling-hanging-with-my-homies" thing. What does this frog do? Well, if you press a button, it'll start singing:
(note that the bass is moderately high here)
or play some song by some rapper (hopefully it's a clean one...).
Okay, I'll just say here and now: this toy has NO target audience. Only kids like the stuffed toys, but what kids are gonna like that kind of music? Anyone???
And that's why this is a candidate for Most Pointless Toy of the Year. I'll post more pointless toys later on, but for now...
Okay, you're right, that was pretty lame. Sorry.
UPDATE!: I found out that one toy did sing an unclean song! What are those people thinking?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thirty Strips Old...
First off, I'd like to thank Andy Brinkerhoff for hosting our strip and creating us and all that stuff.
I'd also like to thank the blog "Keeping Up with the Brinkerhoffs" for broadcasting our strip to bunches of people. If not for them, we'd probably have never gotten popular.
And finally, you, for reading it!
Next checkpoint: 1 YEAR OF STRIPS.
Thank you everyones!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Why I Don't Listen to the Radio often...
Okay, everyone who listens to the radio on the drive to work, RAISE YOUR HAND!
All right, here's another question: Do any of the hosts on whatever radio show you listen to in the morning make you want to GO INTO THEIR RECORDING STUDIO AND PUSH THEM OUT A THIRD-STORY WINDOW?!!!
Okay, just checking. See, I wake up to the radio in the morning, to the same song: "Girls in LA" by the Rockin' Horses. No, really, EVERY MORNING I hear that song. Then, I hear someone who sounds like an exhausted Santa Claus start talking:
Uh, heh heh, hullo there, Banama. It's 5:45 AM, and boy, er, what a lovely day it is, huh? Heh heh... yes sirree is it a nice day. Doh, anyway, for this lovely morning (isn't it though?), we're talking with Margaret Simms, age 85. Yep, this lady's getting old ain't she? Well, here she is...
So Santa-Claus-Man talks with this woman, who you barely hear talking. She wheezes and sneezes and coughs throughout the whole thing, and the host is completely clueless:
So, you getting along fine with Porgenia?
It's (wheeze) PROGERIA YOU MORO-(coughcoughwheezecoughchoke...THUMP)
Hullo? Hullllllllo? Oh, it looks like she hung up. Well, once again, beautiful morning, eh? Next up is our weather today, and then more Rockin' Horses, followed by...
This is why there's so many idiots out in the world today. Good thing I'm not one of...
Hey, wait a second, what did you just call me?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Cellular, Modular, Interactivodular...
Yes sir, I have joined the crowd of cell-phone-owning teens. I am El Magnifico! I am Spartacus! I am RODNEY REDHART, CELL PHONE OWNER!
But who can I call?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
16 in three months
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Okay, so in biology, we've been dealing with termites. These things are tiny, and you can often try to manipulate them. We drew a pattern like this on our paper:
Then we put a termite on the pattern, and watched what it did. If it went a direction we didn't want it, we put a cotton swab in it's path to make it go another way. We did this experiment twice, too.
But what's with today's title? Well, our third experiment was to make our own experiment using termites. Me and Jim did a lab write-up, and this is what it looks like:
Title: Can Termites Read?
Question: Can a termite read an important message and not kill himself?
Hypothesis: Probably not.
1. On the piece of paper, write:
"Step on the X and you will die."
2. Draw a really big "X" near it.
3. If the termite steps on the "X", take a hammer and smash it's guts out.
Observations: He got smashed.
Conclusion: I was right. Termites can't read.
Well, my teacher didn't approve, and gave me an "F-Minus-Minus-Minus-Minus-Minus..."
Darn it, another FAIL! This time, Dad was angry, and took my video games away for a week. But why oh why did my teacher give me an "F"? Isn't anyone interested in whether termites can read or not?
That's it for this episode.
Monday, September 15, 2008
A as in AWESOME. A as in AMAZING. A as in APPLE.
Uh, I think that's about it. That's all for now!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Dad IS the Better Chef!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Yep, just when it seems like old Mr. Dingle can't get any worse, look what happens. Oh, and if you think that I was upset, you should've seen Dad. Man, he hit the roof when he saw my first graded paper for Sophomore English. He then came to his senses and calmed down. He let me off the hook, but said that I need to be studying a lot more... but hey, that's WAY better than what he did when I broke his camera on accident (let's not talk about that, okay?).
As for Mr. Dingle, he better be prepared, because Rodney Redhart has one big bone to pick with him tomorrow afternoon...
That's it for this episode!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Phobias!, part two
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Acousticophobia, Chlorophobia, Graphaphobia, and good ol' Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. What do they all have in common? Read on!
Yesterday, I was doing some schoolwork, when a scream pierced the calm air. It sounded like my mom! I thought she was getting attacked, so I ran downstairs to see what the problem was, and found... a spider.
I watched the tiny little thing move around on the wall, and my mom was SHAKING. It was like she was looking at Bigfoot, but it was only a spider! I squashed and killed the thing with NO PROBLEM AT ALL, and my mom called me her hero.
Okay, WTC? It was a tiny little spider for pie's sake! However, if you think that's odd (unless you have the same problem), you should see the other billion similar cases.
I introduce to you: PHOBIAS!
Those four long words up at the top are all fears of strange things, such as dancing, handwriting, and long words (guess which phobia out of the four that is). I'll share a few of my personal favorites with you here:
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Peladophobia: Fear of bald people.
Xenoglossophobia: Fear of foreign languages.
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers.
See what I mean? Now, about that last one: there are two particular number phobias that have ridiculously long names:
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: Fear of the number 666 (number of the beast), and
Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 13.
Yeah, and you thought being afraid of spiders or snakes was crazy.
That wraps up another episode. See ya tomorrow!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
My Schedule
Period 2:
Everyone knows this one well. Protractors, the value of Pi, the Pythagoreum Theorum, and all that junk. However, we haven't actually started geometry yet, and have been reviewing Algebra 2 all week. If you didn't know, I HATE ALGEBRA 2!!! Not to say I was a big fan of Algebra 1, but part 2 was a serious pain in the rear. Everything from Polynomials to absolute value to radicals (what's so "radical" about these I may never know). Anyway, I ended up with a pretty lousy grade last year, but if you tried Algebra 2, you'd probably see why.
Period 3:
Ahhh, World Cultures. A chance to learn about all the different countries around the world and their traditions. About what rules are laid down in these far-off places. Of course, I'm not entirely sure why we'd need to learn about all these different countries anyway. I mean, are we required to live in some country for a long period of time after choosing which one from studying? Finally, why would we want to leave the great freedom of the United States anyway? I'M PERFECTLY FINE LIVING HERE!!!
Period 4:
Ironically, after filling my body with vital nutrients and all other stuff by eating lunch, I go to a class where I learn about that kind of stuff. Besides being a bit slow, this class has no real cons. Good work, Mrs. Young (my teacher).
Period 5:
It's our main language, we've been speaking it since we were 5, and it's got over 250,000 words, over half of which make no sense whatsoever. Ladies and gentlemen, it's ENGLISH!
Ironically, we don't seem to be learning the language in this class, and spend more time writing essays and reading long, boring novels. Why not call it "Reading and Writing", or something fancy, like "Creativity"? Ah, who knows.
Oh, next week, we're reading a book called "To Kill a Mockingbird". Okay, why would we want to read something about killing birds? Is that even legal? Maybe we're going on a hunting trip later this semester and they're preparing us for it...
Period 6:
What's the best way to end the school day? Science, of course, and that's just OK!
What? I couldn't think of anything else that rhymed!
Okay, so I guess this year we're doing something that gives me the creeps: examining single-celled organisms. So simple, so fragile. After that, we move into an even scarier part: playing with chemicals. Test tubes, beakers, and acid, OH MY! I hear that if any of those chemicals get all over you, you need to get under the safety shower. Wait, these chemicals aren't safe? What evil, diabolical plot is this, making kids use harmful chemicals? Well, maybe they think we need to be more careful...
That's my schedule for this semester, and here wraps up another episode of Beyond Rodney and Jim. See you next time!
Friday, September 5, 2008
And thus, School began...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Picking berries one by- YEEEEEOWCH!
Well, not entirely...
You see, blackberries have some serious thorns, and they're EVERYWHERE! Often times, I would see some really good ones: big, black, and juicy, but they were either too high up, or surrounded by tons of thorns! Grrrrrrr...
After about an hour, we decided we were done. Jim filled his tupperware about halfway with berries, all of which were perfectly large and ripe. How did I do? Well, let's see, I filled about 1/4 of my tupperware, which was the exact same size, and only a few were perfect. The rest of them were partly purple, or even some red.
Overall, Jim got to have tons of wonderfully sweet blackberries, and I got to eat those few "perfect" ones, which tasted really sour anyways. Oh well, maybe next time...
Monday, August 25, 2008
School Shopping... BOOOOOOOOORING!!!
Also, it would be nice if Mom took us on seperate trips, because, thanks to Tina's shopping obsession, we stayed in Will and Peters Department Store for the ENTIRE DAY. If we had only taken me, we would've been out of that store in 5 minutes flat.
Of course, once all our shopping is done, it's not over yet. We then move on to Phase II: Modeling. No, I'm not joking, my mom actually makes me model in all my shirts and clothes. We bought 5 of each, so this took a LONG time. Really, like almost an hour.
I didn't have time to post last night, so I got up early this morning to do so. I'm sure everyone else has gone school shopping recently, so do tell how your trip went. Anyone?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Jim's First Post
Good Ol' Summertime
I'm totally exhausted after this summer. On top of that, it sure seems like the bad luck landed on me EVERY TIME. Eating salty ice cream in a bag, getting zero money from the lemonade stand business, almost drowning while buried in the sand, pulling weeds while Jim got ice cream...
And I finished it all off with a nice little poem reviewing some of these events:
I'm done catching up now, so we come to the present, where I'm starting school in a couple of days. Will it be better than this crazy summer? We'll see...
Meet the Redharts
...and people say you can't mess up while making Macaroni and Cheese. Sorry, guys, you're wrong!
Oh, and if you couldn't see the true evil of my sister, see what happened on the 4th of July:
Darn it! I wanted to see what would happen when we set that baby off!
Next post, I'll talk about the rest of my summer vacation...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Locker Partners...
Finally, we have big muscular tough guys who'll beat the living daylights out of anyone who gets near their partner. Guess who ended up with a locker partner like this?
Yeah, scary-looking jerk, huh? I got curious and asked Jim what this guy's name was:
"Big Chug". Probably a nickname, but an amusing one. Let's hope he's not reading this post right now...
That wraps up this post!
Next post: My life at home...
From Humble Beginnings
Man, how embarrassing! See, as you already know, Jim doesn't talk much, if at all, so I should have seen this coming.
Next post: Starting school...
It all starts with the next post. See ya then!